THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 15th March 2020
Easter Services- Saturday 4th April - Vigil Mass 6pm, Palm Sunday Mass 11am. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Mass at 10am.
Holy Thursday Mass at 6pm. Good Friday Liturgy at 3pm. Easter Sunday Vigil 10pm. Easter Sunday Mass 11am
Parish Priest Rev Derick McCulloch Contact Dean on 01463 233519
Deacon Kenneth 01862810900
Monsignor Basil Loftus (Rtd) 01431821360
No Vigil Mass from 11th January to the end of March 2020
Mass on Sundays 11 a.m.
Weekday Masses
only if announced
Confession after Mass and on request
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FORTHCOMING EVENTS - Lenten Station Mass in Christ the King Church on Friday 3rd April at 7 pm.
The Parish appeal to raise funds for repairs and maintenance to the Church and Presbytery has now reached our £20,000 target. Thank you to those who have answered our Appeal. The Appeal is still open for further donations.
A very warm welcome to our visitors. Please join us for tea and coffee in the Hall after Mass.
Jacqui Aris-Finch, Louise Port, Calum O’Boyle, Josie Mackay, Sheila Anderson, Sylvia Marlow, Robert Prendergast, Aileen Toft-McNamee, Terry Giulian, Bernadette Christian, Anthony Seed, Fiona Lamond, Elisa Toft, Emelia McKeever, Fr Benedict Duncan Lamond and Roger Seed.
Last weekend there were 15 present at the weekend Masses in Brora. The collection amounted to £70.
The monthly Gift Aid amount paid directly to the parish account is £250. If you are a taxpayer please consider giving your Mass Offering by Gift Aid and if possible by direct payment into the Parish account (most people do this monthly), as the parish greatly benefits from the tax repaid. Thank you to those who Gift Aid. Forms are available from Christine Port who is the Gift Aid co-ordinator.
15th March | Mary | Christine |
22nd March | Christine | Anne |
29th March | Mary | Cathy |
5th April | Mary/Christine | Anne |
The parish has a website.
The parish address is Christ the King, Gower Street, BRORA, KW9 6PU
Please pray for our Seminarians: Christopher Doig, Malachy Eze and Aiden Matheson.
There is a Christian Group meeting every Monday at 1030 till noon in Golspie. The venue changes so please check for information at the back of the church.
Diana Wares of the Church of Scotland has asked if anyone would like to take part on Good Friday on a Walk of Faith in Brora stopping at various points for Readings, Hymns and Prayers. Please let Christine know if you are interested.
Please take a SCIAF Lenten Box. For every £1 collected during Lent and Easter the UK government has agreed to match pound for pound.
Given the growing concerns about the spread of the Coronavirus, and the increasing likelihood of it affecting us widely in Scotland, it seems the right moment to take further precautionary measures in our parishes.
These measures are all temporary and will of course remain in force only as long as is necessary by common consensus.
1. Holy Water Stoups at the entrance to churches should be emptied.
People may still continue to bless themselves as they enter their church or place of worship where Holy Mass will be celebrated, but without having recourse to blessed water.
2. The Sign of Peace is suspended entirely, for the time being.
3. Holy Communion will be distributed under one kind: the Lay Faithful will receive the Consecrated Host only.
4. Holy Communion will be received in the hand, and not on the tongue.*
5. All Ministers of the Eucharist, whether they be Ordinary or Extraordinary, must wash and sanitise their hands before distributing Holy Communion.
6. Only the Priest Celebrant or the Assisting Deacon will purify the Sacred Vessels used at Mass (i.e., Chalice, Paten, and Ciborium).
7. Parish Sacristans, and anyone responsible for setting up for the celebration of Holy Mass, should wash their hands thoroughly before touching the Sacred Vessels and the altar breads to be consecrated during the Mass.
8. Sanitising hand gel should be available for use in our churches and Mass centres, and near the altar, for Celebrants, Deacons, and Extraordinary Ministers.
All of these steps are being introduced as helpful precautionary measures; they are not meant to worry or to panic people, but simply to alert them to the fact that certain hygiene protocols be followed in order to combat the potential threat of infection.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.